The Buzz About Denise
"Denise DeSimone is an inspiring, uplifting and truly illuminating being. Through her experience with a life threatening illness, she overcame what many would seem impossible. Her book is a must read for all those who face challenges in their lives."

- Jonathan & Andi Goldman
"Whether speaking, teaching, performing or simply being herself, Denise brings great joy, wisdom and inspiration to everything she does.”

- Marcia Wieder
CEO Dream University and best-selling author
“She so eloquently shares how to transform an evil into good, a disease into a teacher and reveals what is possible when the path of healing includes the discovery of one’s innate well-being and
true worth.”

- Gary Simmons, PhD, author
"Thank you, Denise. The presentation really touched many hearts last night, and encouraged the participants, as evidenced by the smiles and energy level. Thanks for sharing your warmth and experience with such honesty. You were wonderful. Many people are still talking about it."

- Lorri Kimball
Oncology Care Social Worker, Winchester Cancer Center, MA
"How can I possibly thank you enough for bringing your program/message to St. Helena Hospital’s Martin O’Niel Cancer Center. It was surely inspirational-and ideas from you and PIN we all can put to life enhancing use in so many kinds of situations. I'll never look into a mirror in quite the same way again! You wove your history into a tapestry of meaning for all.”
- Colleen Winters
Clinical Care Navigator - St. Helena Hospital, California
"It is my pleasure to highly recommend Ms Denise DeSimone, motivational speaker and author, as an educator to the Medical & Allied Health community.Ms DeSimone has presented to our staff, Oncology support groups & our Community Integrative Care series at the Portsmouth Regional Hospital in Portsmouth NH. Her personal story of courage, strength & Spirit was both educational & powerful to all who attended, in addition to all her many additional skill sets."

- Patricia J. Alandydy RN, BSN
Portsmouth Regional Hospital, Portsmouth, NH
"We were so delighted to have you join our community on Sunday and share your amazing story of Love! Your light and energy are infectious and we are blessed to have had the opportunity to see you shine. You inspired and motivated our family to Love themselves more fully. I had a counseling session with a women this morning, who was so moved by your message, she went home and made a life changing decision. Thank you, thank you is the message she wanted me to share with you.
I too echo her words of gratitude, for I was much moved and inspired by your message. You have given me the courage to tell and write the real story.

- Rev. Renee Leboa
Spiritual Living Center, Charlotte, NC
"Denise DeSimone has been a pivotal signpost in my realization of a totally balanced prosperity. Her program has enabled me to peel away layers of negative thinking that have been choking off the positive energy in my life for many years."

- Michael Z.
Testimonials About Denise's Book
"Denise's book shares the truth about healing one's life and how the body responds to the healing and the love of one's life and body. Her life is an example of survival behavior bringing together her mind, body and spirit through her action, wisdom and devotion.
Self induced healing is not an accident or a matter of good fortune it is derived from the work of the individual. Solzhenitsyn decribes it as a rainbow colored butterfly in his book Cancer Ward. Denise shows us through her words and deeds how to create order, the rainbow, and transform your life, the butterfly.
And when you create your new self your body knows you are now loving your life and it responds and does all it can to restore your health and keep you alive. Reading this book can be a guide for anyone facing one of life's difficulties.
If you have the courage and are willing to show up for practice and not fear change and failure then let this book become your coach and guide you to a healed life."
- Bernie Siegel, MD
Author of-Love, Medicine & Miracles
Vibrational Toning Can Help More Than Cancer
"An amazing book. Even if you are not dealing with cancer but have long time repetitive issues, this book helps one zero in and realize that it is time to stop trying to change what is happening and just be present and allow yourself to be guided toward the healing. If you have a chance to go to one of her workshops on using sound for healing, I recommend it. I did and purchased her Make A Joyful Noise CD and it is helping to clear blockages that have been part of my life since childhood."
- Nora
Outstanding and Moving
"I could not put this book down. From page one to the end the story telling but most importantly the message of the story grabbed me! Denise writes with such openness and honesty about embracing her illness that you feel as if you are on the journey with her. From the ride at the Pan Am, thru the diagnosis and treatments to her moment at Fenway, you are compelled to turn each and every page. You do not need to be battling cancer yourself to bare witness to the fight Denise goes thru. You do not need to be religous to be spirtually moved by her journey. You simply need to be open to the journey this book takes you on.
a must read and a must gift to others fighting this battle or simply needing some inspiration.
thanks for sharing your story Denise"
- Emily
Personal AND Universal Experience
"A dramatic, heart-wrenching account of a very personal journey through an experience with cancer, exploring the origins, attitude, and resolution of a multi-year process that teaches us all about the universal implications of her journey"
- Desertrose
Praise for Denise
"This book stirs an awakening to LOVE, a Force we have long since forgotten as the panacea to all that ails us. A most astonishing and forceful work. Blessings and continued sucess to Denise. A MUST read for anyone who is seeking a missing part of their inner self."
- Denyse Paul
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