Places where Denise has been featured:

Denise's - THIS WEEK WITH DENISE- inspirational messages:

"This woman is living the sermon."
-Dr. Bernie Siegel
I got cancer. I didn’t die. So, I wrote a book.
My life changed dramatically, one dreadfully hot Saturday in August 2005. I had been training for months to participate in a 90-mile bicycle ride as a participant with the Pan Mass Challenge organization, raising money for children struggling with cancer. I was in so much pain throughout my entire body, I could barely finish the ride. But I did!
Just two days later, I learned I was close to death myself.
The Buzz About Denise
"Denise DeSimone is an inspiring, uplifting and truly illuminating being. Through her experience with a life threatening illness, she overcame what many would seem impossible. Her book is a must read for all those who face challenges in their lives."

Jonathan & Andi Goldman
"Whether speaking, teaching, performing or simply being herself, Denise brings great joy, wisdom and inspiration to everything she does.”

Marcia Wieder
CEO Dream University and best-selling author
“She so eloquently shares how to transform an evil into good, a disease into a teacher and reveals what is possible when the path of healing includes the discovery of one’s innate well-being and
true worth.”

Gary Simmons, PhD, author
The Live In Full Expression program is a
short-term commitment with
long-term benefits.

- Teach you how to turn your challenges into doorways of transformation.
- How to “stand guard at the portal of your mind” (Emerson) and become skilled at quieting the A.N.TS. which stands for Automatic Negative Thoughts that steal our good and occupy 73% of our daily thoughts.
- Help you learn to recognize how to stop living in the past and beating yourself up for nothing with the “shoulda, woulda, coulda’s.
- And empower you to live more in the present moment, experiencing more joy, more peace, more love and a whole lot more fun.

Enjoy Denise’s new, powerful documentary
Watch the trailer here.